$ curl cheat.sh/
tags: [ packaging ]
# To install the latest version of a package:
yum install <package>

# To perform a local install:
yum localinstall <package>

# To remove a package:
yum remove <package>

# To search for a package:
yum search <package>

# To find what package installs an executable:
yum whatprovides <executable>

# To find the dependencies of a package:
yum deplist <package>

# To find information about a package:
yum info <package>

# List currently enabled repositories:
yum repolist

# List packages matching <phrase>:
yum list <phrase>
# To download the source RPM for a package:
yumdownloader --source <package>

# (You have to install yumdownloader first, which is installed by the yum-utils package)

# yum
# Package management utility for RHEL, Fedora, and CentOS (for older versions).
# For equivalent commands in other package managers, see <https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Pacman/Rosetta>.
# More information: <https://manned.org/yum>.

# Install a new package:
yum install package

# Install a new package and assume yes to all questions (also works with update, great for automated updates):
yum -y install package

# Find the package that provides a particular command:
yum provides command

# Remove a package:
yum remove package

# Display available updates for installed packages:
yum check-update

# Upgrade installed packages to the newest available versions:
yum upgrade

Follow @igor_chubin cheat.sh