$ curl cheat.sh/
# yq
# A lightweight and portable command-line YAML processor

# This is for yq v3. For version 4, use 'yq_v4'

# Read spec.template node from example.yml
yq r example.yml spec.template

# Read from stdin
cat sample.yaml | yq r - b.c

# Print the path
yq r --printMode p "a.thing*.*"

# Print the path and value
yq r --printMode pv "a.thing*.*"

# Print the length of a list
yq r sample.yml --length animals

# Read with conditions
yq r sample.yml spec.metadata[name==myapp]

# Collect results into an array
yq r sample.yaml --collect a.*.animal

# Read from the 2nd document
yq r -d1 sample.yaml b.c

# Validate a document
yq v valid.yaml

# Compare documents
yq compare data1.yaml data2.yaml

# Write b.c value with 'cat'
yq w sample.yaml b.c cat

# Delete b.c node in place from sample.yaml
yq d -i sample.yaml b.c

# Merge documents
yq merge data1.yaml data2.yaml

# Shell completion
yq shell-completion

# yq
# A lightweight and portable command-line YAML processor.
# More information: <https://mikefarah.gitbook.io/yq/>.

# Output a YAML file, in pretty-print format (v4+):
yq eval path/to/file.yaml

# Output a YAML file, in pretty-print format (v3):
yq read path/to/file.yaml --colors

# Output the first element in a YAML file that contains only an array (v4+):
yq eval '.[0]' path/to/file.yaml

# Output the first element in a YAML file that contains only an array (v3):
yq read path/to/file.yaml '[0]'

# Set (or overwrite) a key to a value in a file (v4+):
yq eval '.key = "value"' --inplace path/to/file.yaml

# Set (or overwrite) a key to a value in a file (v3):
yq write --inplace path/to/file.yaml 'key' 'value'

# Merge two files and print to `stdout` (v4+):
yq eval-all 'select(filename == "path/to/file1.yaml") * select(filename == "path/to/file2.yaml")' path/to/file1.yaml path/to/file2.yaml

# Merge two files and print to `stdout` (v3):
yq merge path/to/file1.yaml path/to/file2.yaml --colors

Follow @igor_chubin cheat.sh