$ curl cheat.sh/
# xz
# Compress or decompress .xz and .lzma files.
# More information: <https://tukaani.org/xz/format.html>.

# Compress a file to the xz file format:
xz path/to/file

# Decompress a xz file:
xz -d file.xz

# Compress a file to the LZMA file format:
xz --format=lzma path/to/file

# Decompress an LZMA file:
xz -d --format=lzma file.lzma

# Decompress a file and write to `stdout`:
xz -dc file.xz

# Compress a file, but don't delete the original:
xz -k path/to/file

# Compress a file using the fastest compression:
xz -0 path/to/file

# Compress a file using the best compression:
xz -9 path/to/file

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