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# virt-xml
# Edit libvirt Domain XML files with explicit command line options.
# NOTE: 'domain' refers to the name, UUID or ID for the existing VMs (See: tldr virsh).
# More information: <https://github.com/virt-manager/virt-manager/blob/main/man/virt-xml.rst>.

# List all the suboptions for a specific option:
virt-xml --option=?

# List all the suboptions for disk, network, and boot:
virt-xml --disk=? --network=? --boot=?

# Edit a value for a specific domain:
virt-xml domain --edit --option suboption=new_value

# Change the description for a specific domain:
virt-xml domain --edit --metadata description="new_description"

# Enable/Disable the boot device menu for a specific domain:
virt-xml domain --edit --boot bootmenu=on|off

# Attach host USB hub to a running VM (See: tldr lsusb):
virt-xml domain --update --add-device --hostdev bus.device

Follow @igor_chubin cheat.sh tldr