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# virsh
# Manage virsh guest domains. (NOTE: 'guest_id' can be the id, name or UUID of the guest).
# Some subcommands such as `virsh list` have their own usage documentation.
# More information: <https://libvirt.org/virshcmdref.html>.

# Connect to a hypervisor session:
virsh connect qemu:///system

# List all domains:
virsh list --all

# Dump guest configuration file:
virsh dumpxml guest_id > path/to/guest.xml

# Create a guest from a configuration file:
virsh create path/to/config_file.xml

# Edit a guest's configuration file (editor can be changed with $EDITOR):
virsh edit guest_id

# Start/reboot/shutdown/suspend/resume a guest:
virsh command guest_id

# Save the current state of a guest to a file:
virsh save guest_id filename

# Delete a running guest:
virsh destroy guest_id && virsh undefine guest_id

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