$ curl cheat.sh/
# To update every <interval> samples:
top -i <interval>

# To set the delay between updates to <delay> seconds:
top -s <delay>

# To set event counting to accumulative mode:
top -a

# To set event counting to delta mode:
top -d

# To set event counting to absolute mode:
top -e

# To not calculate statistics on shared libraries, also known as frameworks:
top -F

# To calculate statistics on shared libraries, also known as frameworks (default):
top -f

# To print command line usage information and exit:
top -h

# To order the display by sorting on <key> in descending order:
top -o <key>

# top
# Display dynamic real-time information about running processes.
# More information: <https://manned.org/top>.

# Start top:

# Do not show any idle or zombie processes:
top -i

# Show only processes owned by given user:
top -u username

# Sort processes by a field:
top -o field_name

# Show the individual threads of a given process:
top -Hp process_id

# Show only the processes with the given PID(s), passed as a comma-separated list. (Normally you wouldn't know PIDs off hand. This example picks the PIDs from the process name):
top -p $(pgrep -d ',' process_name)

# Get help about interactive commands:

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