$ curl cheat.sh/
# sort
# Sort lines of text files

# Return the contents of the British English dictionary, in reverse order.
sort -r /usr/share/dict/british-english

# The GNU sort(1) command can also filter out adjacent duplicate lines and can
# therefore overlap with the uniq(1) command. However, uniq(1) has some options
# that sort(1) cannot do so refer to the man page for you situation if you 
# require something beyond a basic uniqueness check. In addition, there is the
# potential for parallizing the processing by piping sort(1) into uniq(1) for 
# non trivial tasks.
# By default, sort(1) sorts lines or fields using the ASCII table. Here, we're
# essentially getting alphanumeric sorting, where case is handled separately; -
# this results in these words being adjacent to one another, thus duplicates
# are removed.
# If you need better uniq-ing, you could refer to AWK & its associative arrays.
printf '%s\n' this is a list of of random words with duplicate words | sort -u

# Sort numerically. If you don't provide the `-n` flag, sort(1) will instead
# sort by the ASCII table, as mentioned above, meaning it'll display as 1, 10, -
# 11, 2, 3, 4, etc.
printf '%d\n' {1..9} 10 11 | sort -n

# You can even sort human-readable sizes. In this example, the 2nd column is
# being sorted, thanks to the use of the `-k` flag, and the sorting is
# reversed, so that the top-most storage space hungry filesystems are displayed
# from df(1).
df -ht ext4 /dev/sd[a-z][1-9]* | sed '1d' | sort -rhk 2

# To sort a file:
sort <file>

# To sort a file by keeping only unique:
sort -u <file>

# To sort a file and reverse the result:
sort -r <file>

# To sort a file randomly:
sort -R <file>

# To sort a file and store the output in another file:
sort <inputFile> -o <outputFile>

# Sort by default uses /var/tmp to store temp files but size of /var/tmp directory is limited. In order to sort huge use a directory with adequate size:
sort -T <tempDirectory> <file>

# sort
# Sort lines of text files.
# More information: <https://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/sort>.

# Sort a file in ascending order:
sort path/to/file

# Sort a file in descending order:
sort --reverse path/to/file

# Sort a file in case-insensitive way:
sort --ignore-case path/to/file

# Sort a file using numeric rather than alphabetic order:
sort --numeric-sort path/to/file

# Sort `/etc/passwd` by the 3rd field of each line numerically, using ":" as a field separator:
sort --field-separator=: --key=3n /etc/passwd

# Sort a file preserving only unique lines:
sort --unique path/to/file

# Sort a file, printing the output to the specified output file (can be used to sort a file in-place):
sort --output=path/to/file path/to/file

# Sort numbers with exponents:
sort --general-numeric-sort path/to/file

Follow @igor_chubin cheat.sh