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# smartctl
# get SMART status information on your hard drives

# Quickly check the overall health of a drive
smartctl -H /dev/sda

# Obtain information on the drive: type of drive, serial number, etc.
smartctl -i /dev/sda

# initiate short tests for the drive
smartctl --test=short /dev/sda

# initiate long tests for the drive
smartctl --test=long /dev/sda

# abort the test
smartctl -X

# smartctl
# Monitor disk health including SMART data.
# More information: <https://www.smartmontools.org>.

# Display SMART health summary:
sudo smartctl --health /dev/sdX

# Display device information:
sudo smartctl --info /dev/sdX

# Start a short self-test in the background:
sudo smartctl --test short /dev/sdX

# Display current/last self-test status and other SMART capabilities:
sudo smartctl --capabilities /dev/sdX

# Display exhaustive SMART data:
sudo smartctl --all /dev/sdX

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