$ curl cheat.sh/
syntax: bash
tags: [ salt, saltstack ]
# Show pending keys to be accepted:
salt-key -L

# Accept all pending keys:
salt-key -A

# Accept pending key by name:
salt-key -a <target>

# Remove key by name:
salt-key -D <target>

# Test minion connection:
salt <target> test.ping

# Show active salt jobs
salt-run jobs.active

# Kill active job
salt <target> saltutil.kill_job <job_id>

# Copy small file (< 100kb) from master to minion
salt-cp <target> <source> <dest>

# Copy large file from master (/srv/salt/<source>) directory to minion
salt <target> cp.get_file salt://<source> <destination>

# Copy file from minion to master (will be stored at /var/cache/salt/master/minions/<minion_name>/files
salt <target> cp.push <source>

# Deploy state
salt <target> state.apply <state_name>

# salt
# Execute commands and assert state on remote salt minions.
# More information: <https://docs.saltstack.com/ref/cli/salt.html>.

# List connected minions:
salt '*' test.ping

# Execute a highstate on all connected minions:
salt '*' state.highstate

# Upgrade packages using the OS package manager (apt, yum, brew) on a subset of minions:
salt '*.example.com' pkg.upgrade

# Execute an arbitrary command on a particular minion:
salt 'minion_id' cmd.run "ls "

Follow @igor_chubin cheat.sh