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# qm
# QEMU/KVM Virtual Machine Manager.
# More information: <https://pve.proxmox.com/pve-docs/qm.1.html>.

# List all virtual machines:
qm list

# Using an ISO file uploaded on the local storage, create a virtual machine with a 4 GB IDE disk on the `local-lvm` storage and an ID of 100:
qm create 100 -ide0 local-lvm:4 -net0 e1000 -cdrom local:iso/proxmox-mailgateway_2.1.iso

# Show the configuration of a virtual machine, specifying its ID:
qm config 100

# Start a specific virtual machine:
qm start 100

# Send a shutdown request, then wait until the virtual machine is stopped:
qm shutdown 100 && qm wait 100

# Destroy a virtual machine and remove all related resources:
qm destroy 100 --purge

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