$ curl cheat.sh/
# Convert HTML file to Markdown
pandoc -f html -t markdown  -i <HTML input file> -o  <markdown output file>

# Convert Markdown file to HTML
pandoc -f markdown -t html -i <markdown input file>  -o <HTML output file>

# pandoc
# Convert documents between various formats.
# More information: <https://pandoc.org>.

# Convert file to PDF (the output format is determined by file extension):
pandoc input.md -o output.pdf

# Force conversion to use a specific format:
pandoc input.docx --to gfm -o output.md

# Convert to a standalone file with the appropriate headers/footers (for LaTeX, HTML, etc.):
pandoc input.md -s -o output.tex

# List all supported input formats:
pandoc --list-input-formats

# List all supported output formats:
pandoc --list-output-formats

Follow @igor_chubin cheat.sh