$ curl cheat.sh/
tags: [ packaging ]
# To search for a package:
pacman -Ss <package>...

# To update the local package base and upgrade all out-of-date packages:
pacman -Suy

# To install a package:
pacman -S <package>...

# To uninstall a package:
pacman -R <package>...

# To uninstall a package and its depedencies, removing all new orphans:
pacman -Rcs <package>...

# To get information about package:
pacman -Si <package>...

# To install a package from builded package file (.tar.xz):
pacman -U <file>

# To list the commands provided by an installed package:
pacman -Ql <package>... | sed -n -e 's/.*\/bin\///p' | tail -n +2

# To list explicitly installed packages:
pacman -Qe

# To list the top-most recent explicitly installed packages (not in the base groups):
expac --timefmt='%Y-%m-%d %T' '%l\t%n' $(comm -23 <(pacman -Qeq|sort) <(pacman -Qqg base base-devel|sort)) | sort -r | head -20

# To list orphan packages (installed as dependencies and not required anymore):
pacman -Qdt

# To list installed packages sorted by size
pacman -Qi | awk '/^Name/ {name=$3} /^Installed Size/ {print name, $4 substr($5,1,1)}' | column -t | sort -rhk2 | cat -n | tac

# You can't directly install packages from the Arch User Database (AUR) with
# pacman. You need an AUR helper program such as `yay` or `paru` to do that.
# But considering that all of those are themselves in the AUR, here is how to
# do that manualy.
# Installing a package from AUR is a relatively simple process:
# - Make sure that you have the `base-devel` and `git` packages installed
# - Retrieve the repository corresponding to the package from the AUR website
# - Run `makepkg` in the cloned repository
# - Use `pacman` to install the created package
# Ensure that have `base-devel` and `git`:
pacman -S --needed base-devel git
# Retrieve the repository:
git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/<package>.git
cd <package>
# Build the package:
makepkg -s
# Install:
sudo pacman -U <package (.pkg.tar.zst)>

# pacman
# Arch Linux package manager utility.
# Some subcommands such as `pacman sync` have their own usage documentation.
# For equivalent commands in other package managers, see <https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Pacman/Rosetta>.
# More information: <https://man.archlinux.org/man/pacman.8>.

# Synchronize and update all packages:
sudo pacman -Syu

# Install a new package:
sudo pacman -S package_name

# Remove a package and its dependencies:
sudo pacman -Rs package_name

# Search the package database for a regular expression or keyword:
pacman -Ss "search_pattern"

# List installed packages and versions:
pacman -Q

# List only the explicitly installed packages and versions:
pacman -Qe

# List orphan packages (installed as dependencies but not actually required by any package):
pacman -Qtdq

# Empty the entire pacman cache:
sudo pacman -Scc

Follow @igor_chubin cheat.sh