$ curl cheat.sh/
# nl
# Number lines of files

# Number lines given to nl(1) via STDIN.
printf "Here\nis\nsome\nexample\ntext." | nl

# Number (all) lines given to nl(1) via provided file(s).
nl -b a /path/to/file
# The above can also be achieved with cat(1), which is perhaps more portable:
cat -n /path/to/file

# nl
# A utility for numbering lines, either from a file, or from standard input.
# More information: <https://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/nl>.

# Number non-blank lines in a file:
nl path/to/file

# Read from standard output:
cat path/to/file | nl options -

# Number only the lines with printable text:
nl -t path/to/file

# Number all lines including blank lines:
nl -b a path/to/file

# Number only the body lines that match a basic regular expression (BRE) pattern:
nl -b p'FooBar[0-9]' path/to/file

Follow @igor_chubin cheat.sh