$ curl cheat.sh/
# nano
# Command-line text editor. An enhanced `Pico` clone.
# More information: <https://nano-editor.org>.

# Start the editor:

# Start the editor without using configuration files:
nano --ignorercfiles

# Open specific files, moving to the next file when closing the previous one:
nano path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...

# Open a file and position the cursor at a specific line and column:
nano +line,column path/to/file

# Open a file and enable soft wrapping:
nano --softwrap path/to/file

# Open a file and indent new lines to the previous line's indentation:
nano --autoindent path/to/file

# Open a file and create a backup file (`path/to/file~`) on save:
nano --backup path/to/file

Follow @igor_chubin cheat.sh tldr