$ curl cheat.sh/
# To convert a man page to pdf:
man -t bash | ps2pdf - bash.pdf

# To view the ascii chart:
man 7 ascii

# To see config:
cat /private/etc/man.conf

# To check the existence of a keyword in all of man pages:
man -k <keyword>

# man
# Format and display manual pages.
# More information: <https://www.man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/man.1.html>.

# Display the man page for a command:
man command

# Display the man page for a command from section 7:
man 7 command

# List all available sections for a command:
man -f command

# Display the path searched for manpages:
man --path

# Display the location of a manpage rather than the manpage itself:
man -w command

# Display the man page using a specific locale:
man command --locale=locale

# Search for manpages containing a search string:
man -k "search_string"

Follow @igor_chubin cheat.sh