$ curl cheat.sh/
# mailx
# Send and receive mail.
# More information: <https://manned.org/mailx>.

# Send mail (the content should be typed after the command, and ended with `Ctrl+D`):
mailx -s "subject" to_addr

# Send mail with content passed from another command:
echo "content" | mailx -s "subject" to_addr

# Send mail with content read from a file:
mailx -s "subject" to_addr < content.txt

# Send mail to a recipient and CC to another address:
mailx -s "subject" -c cc_addr to_addr

# Send mail specifying the sender address:
mailx -s "subject" -r from_addr to_addr

# Send mail with an attachment:
mailx -a path/to/file -s "subject" to_addr

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