$ curl cheat.sh/
# lshw
# Information about hardware configuration

# Generate full information report about all detected hardware.

# Display brief hardware information.
lshw -short

# Display only memory information.
lshw -short -class memory

# Display processor information.
lshw -class processor

# Display the disk drives with the disk class.
lshw -short -class disk

# Display information about the partitions and controllers also, specify the
# storage and volume class along with the disk class.
lshw -short -class disk -class storage -class volume

# Network adapter information.
lshw -class network

# Display the address details of PCI, USB, SCSI and IDE devices.
lshw -businfo

# Generate report in HTML format.
lshw -html > hardware.html

# Generate report in XML format.
lshw -html > hardware.html

# lshw
# List detailed information about hardware configurations as root user.
# More information: <https://manned.org/lshw>.

# Launch the GUI:
sudo lshw -X

# List all hardware in tabular format:
sudo lshw -short

# List all disks and storage controllers in tabular format:
sudo lshw -class disk -class storage -short

# Save all network interfaces to an HTML file:
sudo lshw -class network -html > interfaces.html

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