$ curl cheat.sh/
# kdialog
# Show KDE dialog boxes from within shell scripts.
# More information: <https://develop.kde.org/deploy/kdialog/>.

# Open a dialog box displaying a specific message:
kdialog --msgbox "message" "optional_detailed_message"

# Open a question dialog with a `yes` and `no` button, returning `0` and `1`, respectively:
kdialog --yesno "message"

# Open a warning dialog with a `yes`, `no`, and `cancel` button, returning `0`, `1`, or `2` respectively:
kdialog --warningyesnocancel "message"

# Open an input dialog box and print the input to `stdout` when `OK` is pressed:
kdialog --inputbox "message" "optional_default_text"

# Open a dialog to prompt for a specific password and print it to `stdout`:
kdialog --password "message"

# Open a dialog containing a specific dropdown menu and print the selected item to `stdout`:
kdialog --combobx "message" "item1" "item2" "..."

# Open a file chooser dialog and print the selected file's path to `stdout`:
kdialog --getopenfilename

# Open a progressbar dialog and print a DBUS reference for communication to `stdout`:
kdialog --progressbar "message"

Follow @igor_chubin cheat.sh tldr