$ curl cheat.sh/
# To fuzzy find files in current directory

# To fuzzy find a file and cat it
cat $(fzf)

# Case sensitive search
fzf +i

# Case insensitve search
fzf -i

# Select multiple files (TAB to select, Shift+TAB to un-select) to delete
rm -rf $(fzf --multi)

# Run a preview command with fzf, specifiy a command inside the double quotes.
fzf --preview "file {}"

# Find files from find command and preview it with fzf
find . -type f -name "*.txt" | fzf --preview "head {}"

# Display border around fzf output 
fzf --border sharp

# Output only selected files and pipe it to a file
find . -type f "*.txt" | fzf --multi > output.txt

# fzf
# Command-line fuzzy finder.
# Similar to `sk`.
# More information: <https://github.com/junegunn/fzf>.

# Start fzf on all files in the specified directory:
find path/to/directory -type f | fzf

# Start fzf for running processes:
ps aux | fzf

# Select multiple files with `Shift + Tab` and write to a file:
find path/to/directory -type f | fzf --multi > path/to/file

# Start fzf with a specified query:
fzf --query "query"

# Start fzf on entries that start with core and end with either go, rb, or py:
fzf --query "^core go$ | rb$ | py$"

# Start fzf on entries that not match pyc and match exactly travis:
fzf --query "!pyc 'travis"

Follow @igor_chubin cheat.sh