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# edquota
# Edit quotas for a user or group. By default it operates on all filesystems with quotas.
# Quota information is stored permanently in the `quota.user` and `quota.group` files in the root of the filesystem.
# More information: <https://manned.org/edquota>.

# Edit quota of the current user:
edquota --user $(whoami)

# Edit quota of a specific user:
sudo edquota --user username

# Edit quota for a group:
sudo edquota --group group

# Restrict operations to a given filesystem (by default edquota operates on all filesystems with quotas):
sudo edquota --file-system filesystem

# Edit the default grace period:
sudo edquota -t

# Duplicate a quota to other users:
sudo edquota -p reference_user destination_user1 destination_user2

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