$ curl cheat.sh/
syntax: bash
tags: [ container, docker ]
# To start all containers defined in the docker-compose.yml file:
docker-compose up

# To start all containers defined in a given compose file:
docker-compose -f <path/to/compose_file.yml> up

# To start all containers in the background:
docker-compose up -d

# To rebuild the images before starting all containers:
docker-compose up --build

# To start only specific containers:
docker-compose up <container_name_1> <container_name_2>

# To list all running containers:
docker-compose ps

# To stop all running containers:
docker-compose stop

# To stop and remove all containers, networks, images, and volumes:
docker-compose down --rmi all --volumes

# To follow logs output from all containers:
docker-compose logs --follow

# To follow logs output from a specific container:
docker-compose logs --follow <container_name>

# To display the environment variables used by a running container:
docker-compose run <container_name> env

# docker compose
# Run and manage multi container docker applications.
# More information: <https://docs.docker.com/compose/reference/>.

# List all running containers:
docker compose ps

# Create and start all containers in the background using a `docker-compose.yml` file from the current directory:
docker compose up --detach

# Start all containers, rebuild if necessary:
docker compose up --build

# Start all containers using an alternate compose file:
docker compose --file path/to/file up

# Stop all running containers:
docker compose stop

# Stop and remove all containers, networks, images, and volumes:
docker compose down --rmi all --volumes

# Follow logs for all containers:
docker compose logs --follow

# Follow logs for a specific container:
docker compose logs --follow container_name

Follow @igor_chubin cheat.sh