$ curl cheat.sh/
tags: [ date, time ]
# To print Abbreviated weekday name:
date +"%a"

# To print Full month name:
date +"%B"

# To print ISO date (same as %Y-%m-%d):
date +"%F"

# To print Time (same as %H:%M:%S):
date +"%T"

# To print Sunday week number (00 to 53):
date +"%U"

# To print Monday week number (00 to 53):
date +"%W"

# To print Time (localized):
date +"%X"

# To print 4-digit year:
date +"%Y"

# To print Timezone name:
date +"%Z"
# To print the date in a format suitable for affixing to file names:
date +"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S"

# To convert a Unix timestamp to Date (Linux):
date -d @1440359821

# To convert a Unix timestamp to Date (OSX):
date -r 1440359821

# To show the current timezone:
date +%Z

# To show date in RFC format with TZ offset:
date -R

# To show date in UTC/GMT:
date -u

# To show date in CET:
TZ=CET date

# To show the time on the west coast of the US (use tzselect(1) to find TZ):
TZ='America/Los_Angeles' date

# date
# Set or display the system date.
# More information: <https://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/date>.

# Display the current date using the default locale's format:
date +%c

# Display the current date in UTC, using the ISO 8601 format:
date -u +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%Z

# Display the current date as a Unix timestamp (seconds since the Unix epoch):
date +%s

# Convert a date specified as a Unix timestamp to the default format:
date -d @1473305798

# Convert a given date to the Unix timestamp format:
date -d "2018-09-01 00:00" +%s --utc

# Display the current date using the RFC-3339 format (`YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss TZ`):
date --rfc-3339=s

# Set the current date using the format `MMDDhhmmYYYY.ss` (`YYYY` and `.ss` are optional):
date 093023592021.59

# Display the current ISO week number:
date +%V

Follow @igor_chubin cheat.sh