$ curl cheat.sh/
# clamscan
# A command-line virus scanner.
# More information: <https://www.clamav.net>.

# Scan a file for vulnerabilities:
clamscan path/to/file

# Scan all files recursively in a specific directory:
clamscan -r path/to/directory

# Scan data from `stdin`:
command | clamscan -

# Specify a virus database file or directory of files:
clamscan --database path/to/database_file_or_directory

# Scan the current directory and output only infected files:
clamscan --infected

# Output the scan report to a log file:
clamscan --log path/to/log_file

# Move infected files to a specific directory:
clamscan --move path/to/quarantine_directory

# Remove infected files:
clamscan --remove yes

Follow @igor_chubin cheat.sh tldr