$ curl cheat.sh/
# Bash keyboard shortcuts

# -= Navigation =-
Ctrl + a   - go to beginning of line
Ctrl + e   - go to end of line
Ctrl + f   - one character forward
Ctrl + b   - one character backward
 Alt + f   - one word forward
 Alt + b   - one word backward
Ctrl + xx  - toggle between start of line and current position

# -= Editing =-
Ctrl + d   - delete character right (Del)
Ctrl + h   - delete character left (Backspace)
 Alt + d   - cut word right
Ctrl + w   - cut word left
Ctrl + k   - cut from cursor till end of line
Ctrl + u   - cut from beginning of line till cursor
Ctrl + y   - paste last cut
 Alt + t   - swap current word with previous
Ctrl + t   - swap current character with previous
 Alt + u   - uppercase from cursor till end of word
 Alt + l   - lowercase from cursor till end of word
 Alt + c   - capitalize current word
Ctrl + v   - insert next character literally (e.g. Ctrl + v - Tab) 
Ctrl + _   - undo last action
 Alt + r   - revert all modifications to current line
 Tab       - complete file/command name

# -= History =-
Ctrl + r   - interactive history search
Ctrl + g   - escape from interactive history search
Ctrl + p   - previous command (↑)
Ctrl + n   - next command (↓)
Ctrl + o   - execute displayed command from history, don't clear command line
 Alt + .   - recall last argument (word) of last executed command
 Alt + - + . - recall second last argument (word) of last executed command

# -= Terminal control =-
Ctrl + l   - clear screen, don't clear command line
Ctrl + s   - suspend (freeze) terminal
Ctrl + q   - unsuspend (unfreeze) terminal
Ctrl + z   - suspend (SIGSTP) current process. Resume with 'fg' (foreground)
             or 'bg' (background), kill with 'kill %<ID>'
Ctrl + d   - send EOF

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