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# badblocks
# Search a device for bad blocks.
# Some usages of badblocks can cause destructive actions, such as erasing all data on a disk, including the partition table.
# More information: <https://manned.org/badblocks>.

# Search a disk for bad blocks by using a non-destructive read-only test:
sudo badblocks /dev/sdX

# Search an unmounted disk for bad blocks with a non-destructive read-write test:
sudo badblocks -n /dev/sdX

# Search an unmounted disk for bad blocks with a destructive write test:
sudo badblocks -w /dev/sdX

# Search an unmounted disk for bad blocks with a destructive write test and show verbose status:
sudo badblocks -svw /dev/sdX

# Search an unmounted disk in destructive mode and output found blocks to a file:
sudo badblocks -o path/to/file -w /dev/sdX

# Search an unmounted disk in destructive mode with improved speed using 4K block size and 64K block count:
sudo badblocks -w -b 4096 -c 65536 /dev/sdX

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