$ curl cheat.sh/
#  This used to be `.lookup` which is deprecated in Pandas 1.2.0. A way
#  around this is `get_indexer`:

 idx = df_test.columns.get_indexer(df_test['Currency'])
 df_test['GBP val'] = df_test['Price'] * df_test.values[df.index, idx]

#  Output:

   Stock  Price Currency        Date   USD   CAD   EUR  GBP GBP val
 0  AAPL    123      USD  2020-01-01  1.60  1.70  1.17    1   196.8
 1   AAL     21      CAD  2020-01-02  1.50  1.79  1.21    1   37.59
 2   BBW     15      EUR  2020-01-03  1.55  1.75  1.18    1    17.7
 3   BBY    311      GBP  2020-01-04  1.57  1.74  1.19    1     311

#  [Quang Hoang] [so/q/67508455] [cc by-sa 3.0]

Follow @igor_chubin cheat.sh