$ curl cheat.sh/
// `l.end()` points after the last element, so in principle you need:

 for(i=l.end()-1; i!=l.begin(); i--)              // invalid

 * but then you'll not get the first element (`l.begin()`) as you stop
 * when you reach it.
 * Further it is not valid to subtract 1 from a list iterator so it must
 * be:

 for(i=std::prev(l.end()); i!=l.begin(); i--)     // valid

 * But still you have the problem with the first element.
 * **A better way is to use reverse iterator**. Something like:

 for (std::list<int>::reverse_iterator i = l.rbegin(); i != l.rend(); ++i)

// For your second question you could do:

 auto it = l.begin();
 cout << *(std::next(it, 2));

 * Here is a list of valid operations depending on iterator type:
 * http:www.cplusplus.com/reference/iterator/
 * And here you can see that list has a bidirectional iterator:
 * http:www.cplusplus.com/reference/list/list/
 * [4386427] [so/q/32547166] [cc by-sa 3.0]

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